Saturday, February 10, 2018

It's a Repeat

For this year, I wanted to try to do something for 100 days straight. Somethings require that you are home and we travel. Some things require a specific piece of equipment and that is not always handy. I didn't want to take a photo a day or do an art project a day because I really didn't want to end up spending time on something I really didn't want. So, I decided what I needed most was to stretch.

I play golf maybe 4 times a week and the left side gets tighter than the right. Age has also found me and that makes for tight joints. I am sure most of you can relate. So first thing...even before I get out of bed, I stretch. Then I stretch again when the coffee is brewing. And last thing at night. I've been at it since the first of the year and it's working. I am slowly seeing results. Forty one days now but who's counting.

My Word for the Year

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