Tuesday, May 01, 2012

I'm Learning Spanish and You Could Too!

I watched this U-tube video, actually a TED lecture, by Luis von Ahn, who is responsible for capthcas, those annoying little phrases that you have to type in to prove you are not a spammer. Turns out he is a really smart individual who is conjuring ways to use the 7.5 millions individuals 10 seconds per day to do something useful. Segue forward to his latest project, translating wikipedia into other languages besides English, and you too can help. That's how I am learning Spanish and it is fun and cool. It's at Duolingo.com. I am on my way.

Yo quiero vino. haha


1 comment:

Spanish in Barcelona said...

Great information, I didn't knew he was the responsible of the capthcas (really annoying)! haha Learning another language is very important for board our horizons and connect with other people in the world. Last year I decided to go to Barcelona at BCN Languages school and learn spanish, and that was one of the best decisions I've ever made :) so happy to be there!
