Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Piazza Navona

This piazza is large and open and has three delightful fountains.

In the center is Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers, representing the Nile, Ganges, Danube and della Plata. It was erected in 1651 in front of the church of Sant'Agnese in Agone, and yards from the Pamphili Palace belonging to this fountain's patron, Pope Innocent X  (1644-1655). This sculpture was being refurbished and was surrounded by plastic. Boo Hoo.
You can see the church with it's twin towers just behind the scuplture.

The Moor Fountain, located in the southern area of Piazza Navona, takes its name from the central figure, who is a Moor fighting with a dolphin. The work was sculpted based on a design of Bernini in 1654 by Giovanni Antonio Mari.

This fountain had all the water so the pigeons liked it as much as I did.
Gotta love those buns!

And then one who will sing?dance?sit? just whatever for his supper. This is not the third fountain although he seems to have been here long enough for green things to begin growing...


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